Orangutan mother and baby. The mother was sharing her fruit with the baby.
Visited Singapore Zoo after 1 year. This is racoon dog from Japan.
Flower Domeには内側に花をいっぱい敷き詰めた円筒があります。それを下から見上げるとこんな感じ。
There is a cylinder in the Flower Dome, whose inside is filled with flowers. This is the picture taken by looking it up from the inside.
ガーデンズバイザベイの温室「Flower Dome」内の花を、SEL1670Zの望遠端(70mm・換算105mm)で撮ってみました。このレンズは結構寄れますし、背景も奇麗にボケてくれます。Eマウントのマクロレンズは持ってませんが、代わりに使えそうです。
Shot a flower inside the "Flower Dome" in Gardens by the Bay. Used tele-end of SEL1670Z (70mm, 35mm equiv. 105mm). This lens has very short minimum shooting distance, and provides beautiful bokeh. I don't have macro lens for E-mount but this lens works for it.
森に現れた蟲って感じですが、これは温室なのです。Flower DomeとCloud Forestという2つがあります。
It looks like worm in the forest, but it is a greenhouse. There are two domes, one is Flower Dome and the other is Cloud Forest.