The same monkey as the previous picture. Maybe biting his nail or trying to remove foods between his teeth. Shot a nice moment of facial expression.
This is white-faced saki monkey. Stared at somewhere in the middle of a meal.
His face and behaviour seemed mysterious, and I felt he could appear in the world of "Princess Mononoke" film.
Rhinoceros are eating something on the ground in the group. What are they eating?
The giraffe eating foods. When shot from front, the face always looks funny.
Komodo Dragon is a large species of lizard found in Indonesia. Nicely shot branched tongue.
Orangutan mother and baby. The mother was sharing her fruit with the baby.
Visited Singapore Zoo after 1 year. This is racoon dog from Japan.
Flower Domeには内側に花をいっぱい敷き詰めた円筒があります。それを下から見上げるとこんな感じ。
There is a cylinder in the Flower Dome, whose inside is filled with flowers. This is the picture taken by looking it up from the inside.
ガーデンズバイザベイの温室「Flower Dome」内の花を、SEL1670Zの望遠端(70mm・換算105mm)で撮ってみました。このレンズは結構寄れますし、背景も奇麗にボケてくれます。Eマウントのマクロレンズは持ってませんが、代わりに使えそうです。
Shot a flower inside the "Flower Dome" in Gardens by the Bay. Used tele-end of SEL1670Z (70mm, 35mm equiv. 105mm). This lens has very short minimum shooting distance, and provides beautiful bokeh. I don't have macro lens for E-mount but this lens works for it.