I have not updated this blog for more than 6 months since the beginning of the year. I was too busy for private matters and did not have time to photo shoot. And I am now thinking of the plan of my cameras and of this blog.
For cameras, what's in my mind now is to get a full frame camera. I have almost full line-up of APS-C E lenses, so it's a bit regret (in Japanese, "mottainai"). But I really want a full frame one soon, then gradually replace E lenses with FE lenses. I will graduate from m4/3 because I have limited storage and budget.
Then about this blog, I am thinking of consolidating with previous blog. This blog does not have many access, especially from outside of Japan despite of being written in English too. It does not justify my effort to write English sentences, and is very demotivating. On the other hand, previous blog keeps stable access even it is not updated at all. So I would get back to the old style of writing blog articles.
Until the circumstance is well prepared for the restart, I may not be writing another articles again. But I appreciate you stay tuned for my next updates.
実は昨年秋にツァイスレンズをもう一本ゲットしておりました。Sonnar T* E 24mm F1.8 ZA (SEL24F18Z)です。
海外旅行に行くにあたって、標準ズームの16-70mmに加えあと1本何を持って行こうか考えました。明るい単焦点となると手持ちの機材では35mm F1.8か50mm F1.8。海外旅行ということを考えると、もう少し広い画角が欲しいところ。そこで24mm F1.8。手振れ補正が無いのが気になりますが、画質と画角はニーズに完璧にマッチします。ソニーストアの店員さんには10-18mmの広角ズームも勧められました。評判も良いですし気にはなりましたが、旅行以外ではここまでの広角が必要になるケースはないということから、24mmを購入しました。こちらで買うとものすごく値段が高いので、円安ということもあり日本で買ってお取り寄せ。
Actually I have bought another Zeiss lens last autumn. It's Sonnar T* E 24mm F1.8 ZA (SEL24F18Z).
I was thinking what lens I should bring for oversea trip. One should be standard zoom 16-70mm and I want to bring one another. I have wide aperture fixed-focal, 35mm F1.8 and 50mm F1.8. But I will need a bit wider FOV, considering for oversea trip. Then 24mm F1.8 is the option. Though it does not have OSS, quality and FOV perfectly match my needs. Sony Store person recommended 10-18mm wide zoom too. It looks also very good, but I will not need such super wide angle for my daily use, only need for the trip. So I decided to buy 24mm. Here in Singapore the price of this lens is very expensive. Recent currency exchange rate helped me to buy it in Japan and shipped to me.
This was really right choice to buy this lens. Quite excellent image quality. If I am careful enough to prevent shaking and focus comes to the point, the image is very sharp. I am looking forward to new APS-C camera with 5-axis image stabilisation built-in the body. I will upload photos taken with this lens soon.
Happy new year to you all.
In last year, I again bought a new camera and lenses. I don't regret it, I rather think I made a good choice. α6000 looks similar to NEX-6 but it actually is a different, much better camera, in terms of usability and photo quality. Zeiss lenses make the quality even higher.
I am interested in full-frame E-mount cameras. The barrier is that it costs a lot to have a range of full-frame lenses. It may not make sense to use full-frame sensor with APS-C lenses and crop-only. There is a rumor of higher-grade APS-C E-mount camera, so I may want to wait for hearing more about it. At the same time, I am also interested in 4K photo, which is currently equipped only by some Panasonic cameras. Anyway, what I can say now is that most likely I would again spend for photography this year.